I thought it would be fun to share with you all some pretty random things about myself so here goes...
1. I'm obsessed with dancing and I secretly wish I could dance. Like I really want to be a ballroom dancer or something.
2. I do not like change.
3. I'm a routine kind of gal and I hate to stray from it.
4. I'm afraid of dogs.
5. I'm a huge romantic. Obsessed with the stuff.
6. I'm really shy and a lot of people mistake that for being rude or stuck up.
7. I'm still a little unsure about what I want to do with my life.
8. I love to read.
9. If I could eat the same thing everyday I would.
10. I've always been a huge girly girl. I was born loving pink.
11. I'm a mommy's girl. I love my mom so much. She always gives the best advice and is so good about letting me make my own decisions.
12. I'm obsessed with jewelry.
13. I also feel naked without it.
14. I'm a pretty funny person so I've been told.
15. I love to laugh and I have a pretty funny borderline weird one.
16. I have to pick out my clothes and jewelry in advance.
17. Total contradiction here, but I'm a procrastinator when it comes to a lot of things.
18. I'm obsessed with lipsticks. It's the only kind of makeup that I wear.
19. I love anything black and white. Especially clothing and decor.
20. I give great advice, but I can't seem to figure my own life out.
21. I always plan to work out, but I never do.
22. I love being at home more than anything. Professional homebody right here.
23. I have sloppy handwriting.
24. I love Doritos and I have to force myself not to eat the entire bag.
25. I get startled very easily.
26. I'm a huge worrier.
27. I also tend to be a very nervous person.
28. It's not hard to make me cry. I cry at the drop of a dime.
29. Maybe that's because I'm extemely sensitive.
30. I'm a Taurus through and through. I'm very stubborn.
31. One of my biggest fears is not being able to do everything I want to do in life.
32. I'm convinced I'm going to have 2 sons one day and I may or may not have their names already picked out.
33. I love dessert, but I'm not big on candy.
34. Except for gummy peach rings. Love those things.
35. I have a mild obsession with HGTV. Especially those property brothers. Swoon.
36. I absolutely cannot sleep unless the room is completely quiet and completely dark.
37. I love pictures and I love taking them.
38. I secretly want to chop all my hair off but I'm afraid to do it.
39. I'm addicted to tea!
40. I have flat feet.
41. I don't like feet.
42. I look at a person's hands before I look at their face.
43. I have two moles above my lips (right under my nose).
44. I have a lot of moles and most of them are in weird places (moles run in my family).
45. I can sing and I really enjoy doing it.
46. It's hard for me to take a compliment.
47. It's hard for me to step out of my comfort zone.
48. My favorite flowers are calla lilies. I don't like roses for some reason.
49. I'm semi afraid of heights.
50. I can never find anything in my purse.
Whelp, those are some random facts about me. Now it's your turn. I would love for you all to tell me something random about you in the comments below.
Thanks for reading and have an amazing day!